Saturday, January 27, 2007

Post 2

To find the cultural contexts of a website, when it’s sole and only purpose is to find the meaning of words, is difficult to accomplish. Answering the five W’s, who, what, when, where and why will be no easy task, but necessary in order to accomplish the assignment. First I will try to answer the who part of context and finally answer the why part of the context.
First, the who of the contexts could be anybody who is trying to find the definition of any word. The knowledge of words, from there meaning and definition is the main reason for the website. What one will find in this website is all the necessary tools and information to comprehend any word that one may be unfamiliar with before navigating the website. One will use the website when they are unfamiliar with a certain word while reading something in particular. For example, if one is reading a science textbook, and they come across a word that they are not familiar with, than they would go to to find the definition and meaning of the unfamiliar word.
The location of the website would be on the World Wide Web. Anyone who has any type of internet connection, from dial-up, usually a phone line, to high speed internet usually cable, has access to the World Wide Web. One must also have access to a computer with internet capabilities. The computer can be a laptop or a desktop, as long as they have a Network Interface Card (NIC) or some sort of wireless adapter to connect to the internet, which is the World Wide Web.
Why would anyone ever want access to a dictionary on the internet? I believe the answer to this question is pretty simple, convenience. The convenience to quickly find a definition to a word is why it is better to use a dictionary on the internet than it is to use a book-type dictionary. Think about it? It does not take a brain surgeon to realize that it is easier to simply type a word in a search engine box and press enter to find the definition of a word rather than manually look up a word in a book-type dictionary. One could save an abundance of time using a dictionary on the internet instead of the traditional dictionary. Another reason it is better to use a dictionary on the internet is because one could make sure it is the most up dated version of whatever word one is looking for. The website is constantly being up dated. On the other hand in a book-type dictionary one must make sure it is the most updated version in order to trust the definition of the word is the most up dated version available.
In order for one to understand the content of the website one must clearly understand how to use the search engine box on the top right corner of the website. The five tabs located below the search engine box are also crucial to understand the content of the website. The following hyperlinks will direct the reader to where the tabs mentioned take the user on the website. Here are the links; Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, All Reference, and The Web.


Liz Benton said...

I think that you did a good job accomplishing the assignment, especially for a website like the one that you chose. In my opinion, you had to do a little thinking outside of the box to answers the questions at hand; who, what, when, where, and why? You did a good job of explaining how this website answered and accommodated these questions. This post was well written with smooth transitions and clear thoughts. You also did a good job tying everything together. However, I think that you could have had a stronger conclusion, but the post was still well written and easy to undertstand.

Matt Lanzaro said...

I like the job you did doing the assignment. I thought it was already a difficult assignment and your website was a difficult website to do the assignment on and you did a good job covering all the topics you needed to. Since I did a website that was somewhat similar I found your post helpful when I was stuck. Especially your second post where we had to answer the who, what, where, when & why. The post was easy to read. You had to be creative to do the assignment on and I thnk you accomplished that.

JennyChavez said...

Its really cool how you state exactly what your going to write and you keep it from being boring and repetitive. You also get into the underlined meaning s of the words who, what, when, where, and why. The dictionary is not exciting to most but I want to read about what you have to say on the matter of defining words. It’s funny that you take some thing that is used regularly and make it interesting by using the very thing you describe; words. The middle and conclusion could have been stronger but I think you did really good, especially for the topic you chose.

^_^Lu^_^ said...

i agree with what liz wrote about your post#2, it's a well written assignment. i had no idea about the post#2 before i visited your blog, it has helped me alot with my post as well. good job on topic choosing and evidence supporting. and im looking forward to see your next assignment. again, you have done a good job on it!

Aaron Deng said...

I think you did a good job in this assignment to talk about the Why, What and who. But I think you need to do the when and where those culture context better. And you did a good job at the sentences connection, make every program clear. That I can easy to follow your ideas. However, I think you need to have a stronger conclusion that makes your post better. It is a very good easy! `