Sunday, February 4, 2007

Post 4

Briefly stated, my observation essay will be based on a series of church atmospheres. Before sharing the church environments I will be visiting, observing, and hopefully interviewing the leadership there I will share why I chose to do my observation essay on certain churches. There are so many different churches with different teachings that are considered to be the right ones, but with so many different options how can someone determine which one is the right one? In order for me to try and answer this question I will observe a particular church and than try to compare it with other churches that might have some similar and different beliefs. For example, I will observe a Christian Non-denominational church and then compare it to a Jehovah Witnesses or Jesus of Latter Day Saints (Mormon) church.

The particular church that will be observed for my essay will be Calvary South Denver. This Church is part of a bigger organization named Calvary Chapel. Calvary Chapel is an organization that states it teaches directly from the Bible, verse by verse, and is recognized in many different states and places across the world as a non-denomination Bible teaching church. During my observation I will be concerned about every thing that I could possibly observe. This would include things such as, the setting and design of the building, the interaction of its members, the leadership in the church, and what the main teaching of the church is. After my first observation I plan on going a second time and this time focus on a more specific part of the observation. For example, instead of looking at every possible aspect of the church, I will focus more or either the interaction between certain members or maybe the design of the church building.

As I was looking at the website that Calvary chapel has, I came across several pages that sparked somewhat of an interest. The first one was the main page, it consisted of a series of announcements of what the church has to offer and is involved in. The second was a page designed specifically for the churches core values and believes. The focal point of the page is bold lettering that say “Statements of Faith”. This page of course states the key values that the church has. The third page is about the churches mission, which briefly stated is to lift God up, equip people with tools to lift God up, and share God with other people. There were also other pages on the website that I came across from there leadership, to there location.

In closing, I am hoping that through my observation and completing my observation essay I will have a better comprehension of the church gathering and believes. I also hope that I could relay this observation clearly to all of my class mates. The goal is to make it so clear to all of my class mates that after reading my observational essay they will actually feel as if they were there beside me, observing with me.

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