Friday, April 13, 2007

Post 15 - Free Writing "Marriage"

Marriage is one of the most important decisions anyone will ever make in their life. This choice will either fulfill ones life or ruin it. Marriage is not what Hollywood shows to be a young beautiful girl and a handsome prince charming falling in love and living happily ever after. Marriage is a serious, long term commitment, which requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I am not saying that marriage is bad, but a wonderful and amazing thing, that does require work to keep it this way for the long run.

There are three things that everyone considering marriage should know before taking the road of no return. First, what they plan on pursuing as a career for the rest of their lives. Preparing for a career takes a tremendous amount of time and should be long considered and achieved before marriage is considered. Second thing to know is how to handle and budget money properly. One of the biggest arguments married couples face is on money issues. If one is already responsible with their money before marriage they will save themselves from hundreds of different battles with their spouse’s. Thirdly and most importantly is to know yourself. This is important because in order to know what one wants in a potential spouse, one must first understand who they are, and what they want in overall life.

One thing that marriage involves is getting to know your partner on a more personal, intimate level. One final thing to consider before marriage is to build a strong and solid friendship with a potential spouse. The saying “Friends before Lovers” has a significant truthful meaning.


@km said...

Hey I know you just recently got married,congrats! Nice post, you are right though I am not married by any means I know it is not just happy all the time. I am in a serious relationship and if that is work then marriage of course is. My mom owns a bridal store, so she is around the preparation of marriage all the time. It really is a happy day and occasion, the wedding day. Although it is hard work I am sure in the end it is well beyond worth it! Or at least it should be! ha loved the post

Martha E. Altman said...

It’s interesting to know that you recently got married yourself (Congrats!!), but I find it a bit disturbing that you would use the phrase, “before taking the road of no return”. Yes, the divorce rate in this country is staggering (I, myself am divorced after almost 16 years of marriage), but to think that the idea of getting married is akin to taking the road of no return seems more than a bit pessimistic for someone who is recently married! I do wish you all the success possible in your marriage – it does take a lot of work from both of you.

Chelsea said...

Oh wow, I could not have agreed with you more on this post. Coming from a divorced family, I have so many doubts about marriage, and I feel it is a huge step that needs to be thought about seriously anymore. So many couples I know seem to only get married for the party and dont anticipate the hard times that accompany any marriage. The money issue especially needs to be addressed first, because I have seen more fights about nothing more than money. Great post and I loved your topic!!

Aaron Deng said...

First, I want to say you have a beautiful wife, and I wish you will have great life for your future. This is a nice good post; you share your experience for us. You talked a lot about the married problem that we need to do with after we marry, and it is great and helpful. I think the marriage is not a simple problem because it involves a lot of problems; and we need do with these problem as well as we can. good job buddy.

Jiarui Xie said...

Nice posting!I can not agree more about your opinion. I Know marrige is not just about " I love you and you love." when you spent your life together with a other will meet huge problems about any small thing.It is not that easy, you need to manage you marriage and commit in heart. However,marriage to me is very holy I will not do it before I really well prepared.